TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What is the weirdest thing you've found in your Z?
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Subject What is the weirdest thing you've found in your Z?
Posted by Zfreak(Dallas) on October 27, 2005 at 4:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 603 times.
Message the weirdest thing you've found in your Z when stripping it down for stereo installs or whatever other reason?

I pulled the dash, seats, and carpet to remove all the "tar" glued to the interior and other insulation and found:

In my 91TTZ, I found a personal check with NSF (not sufficient funds) written by the original owner in Florida, dated in 1992. Funny he could afford a 35K+ car, but had a check for $200 returned. Also found a note with someone's number and then it said "call me" or something like that. I tried calling it too but it was a bad number. Meh..

I also found a snap on 3/8" drive ratchet (cha ching!), about $6.00 in change, and an unopened pack of Camel Filter Cigarettes. I know it was smoked in, so that was no suprise.

Current Z's:
1991 Silver Metallic TT 5spd

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